Assets directory with git-svn in WP plugin development

There are many articles which introduce workflows for git users in WordPress plugin development which requires subversion to publish into the official directory. Some articles demonstrate workflows using script programs to call svn commands for interworking between git and svn. But I like to use git commands alone for version control. And I can do plugin development with git-svn like this article or this. One remaining thing is the ‘assets’ directory, which we use for files not required in plugin packages. For example, the assets directory can contain images and banners displayed on the plugin directory pages in And because it is not under the standard directory structure of … Continue reading Assets directory with git-svn in WP plugin development

Twenty Thirteen and Standard Widget Extensions

Twenty Thirteen is a new default theme of WordPress for 2013. The default style of Twenty Thirteen is without sidebars. But you can use a sidebar in Twenty Thirteen with the sticky sidebar feature of Standard Widget Extensions plugin if you like. I’ll explain how to do that. 1. Enabling Sidebar Twenty Thirteen has two widget areas. One is for the footer and the other is for the sidebar. If you place widgets in ‘Secondary Widget Area’, a sidebar will appear automatically. 2. Theme Modification Twenty Thirteen’s sidebar doesn’t have a proper ID to use. So you need to attach an ID to it by editing theme files. In your … Continue reading Twenty Thirteen and Standard Widget Extensions

The truth of WordPress revision management

It seems that many people disable the revision feature of WordPress. But is it what you really want? If you learn what WordPress really do and take care of them, the revision feature will be certain benefit to you. In a default environment, WordPress works as follows. A post has only one autosaved revision at most. How revisions are made when you preview depends on post status. Revisions are made only in the wp_posts table. When you bulk edit posts, revisions are made. When you quick edit posts, revisions are made, too. The time of loading posts in permalinks is not proportional to the number of posts and revisions. I’ll … Continue reading The truth of WordPress revision management English Edition